Please note that tÿpo does not provide a technician unless specifically agreed upon.
All equipment & cables have marked locations. If you use any equipment, please put things back orderly in their right places and return all settings as they were!
Behringer X-air XR-18 wireless mixer + control pad
2 x Shure SM58 vocal mics
2 x mic stands
2 x Behringer DI100 Ultra-DI Box (Mono)
XLR cables
2 x Bose S1 Pro 150 W monitor speaker
2 x Nexo PS10
dB Technologies sub618
Aura Audio i3 fills
DSP zone controller and amps
DJ equipment
2 x Technics SL-1210 mk7
Pioneer XDJ-RX2 DJ-controller
Aura Audio i3 booth monitors